5.00 GBP

With the rank I you get the prefix [IV] in game chat!

The perks you get are:
- /feed (fill your hunger instantly)
- /feed <user> (feed the poor, or don't it's your choice)
- /craft (open a crafting table where ever you are)
- /sit (tired of standing? take a seat)
- /enderchest (well it's an enderchest, what do you expect?)
- /tpahere (summon your friends, if you have any)
- /ext (burn bab- oh wait you're no longer burning)
- /lay (you teleport to the end... no you lay down)
- /crawl (crawl around kiddo)
- /nick (you can change your nickname, pretty cool)
- /back (go back to where the grim reaper took you from)
- /hat (put things on your face... no you cannot use this with anime girls)
- /ptime (scared of the dark? get rid of it)
- /pweather (scared of thunder? get rid of it)
- 10 Set homes (so you can fast travel to your hoes)
- 1 Personal warp (so you can whore out and have everyone come to you)
- Decreased /fix time to 15 minutes!
- Decreased /rtp time to 40 seconds
- Decreased price in mining spawners  to $1250

- Iron Helmet (Protection 2)
- Iron Chestplate (Protection 2)
- Iron Leggings (Protection 2)
- Iron Boots (Protection 2)
-Diamond Sword (Sharpness 1)
- Diamond Shovel (Efficiency I)
- Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency I)
- Diamond Axe (Efficiency I)
- 64x Steak
Note: this kit is a one time use kit

One Time Bonus:
- $30,000 In Game Cash
- 10,000 Claim Blocks